These two adventurers have joined forces to take on life together. Congratulations, Payden & Amanda! May every surprise and hurdle bring you closer together!

These two adventurers have joined forces to take on life together. Congratulations, Payden & Amanda! May every surprise and hurdle bring you closer together!
Yaaaaay! I get to share Ryan and Savannah's wedding with you! These two have felt like old friends since our first meeting to talk about their wedding (which is a BIG deal, because those usually feel more like a job interview than a coffee date to me).
I LOVE New Years Eve weddings! All of the gold, silver, black, and sparkles - it just makes me happy. I've been looking forward to their wedding and party for months. It was beautiful, it was fun, the officiant was HILARIOUS - SUCH a great night.
Savannah made all of the awesome signs and decorations. They're FABULOUS! ...And I should be given extra credit for not trying to take her blingtastic wedding shoes home with me, because they are also fabulous.I was also a big fan of the awesome bridesmaid hangers. Shocker, I know.
Have I mentioned how much I love ALL of the details from this wedding!? Her dress! Those shoes!
I also need to mention that these lovely bridesmaids were (are) SUPER nice! What can I say? I'm always super-stoked when gorgeous girls are also super sweet. Win-win!
That tall, blond dude on the right - I never did figure out if his name was Todd or Tom. Somehow, in the confusion, my new nickname for the night became Todd. :) Lucky me. I actually started answering to it by the end of the night. Thanks Todd...or Tom.
Awesome vendors who contributed to this fabulosness:
Epic Day Spa handled hair and makeup beautifully!
The Vue is the venue that this awesome wedding was held at.
Willaby's Catering (their staff is the bees knees - seriously.) I'm always excited to go to a wedding when I know they're catering.
Kate, of Forks & Corks, coordinated and did an amazing job of keeping us all organized!
Green Gable Gardens made the lovely bouquets.
Voodoo Donuts for dessert - YUM!