With all of the Spring weather we’ve been having, it felt so unlikely that in just a short drive, we’d be surrounded by snow. But that’s just one of the many cool things about living in The Valley…

With all of the Spring weather we’ve been having, it felt so unlikely that in just a short drive, we’d be surrounded by snow. But that’s just one of the many cool things about living in The Valley…
Oh man, this day was wild! I had this fantastic and "super original" idea to take these two amazing people to the tulip festival for portraits. Long story short, apparently everyone in Portland and the surrounding areas had the exact same idea as we did.
As we sat in ridiculous traffic, texting each other status updates and trying to figure out if we were even going to get to park before the place closed, I was pretty sure this whole thing was going to be a disaster (and I was feeling like such an idiot for suggesting tulips as a location idea).
I was power walking at my fastest pace,in what turned out to be a tractor lane, trying to find my clients, when this gorgeous couple yelled "Emily" out of their car window. Somehow in this craziness, we found each other by happy accident.
Being the super suave and well-put together person that I am, I declined their offer to ride with them the rest of the way with them while they parked, and opted to sprint to the port a potty line. Spoiler alert. It wasn't a short line.
Finally we were all three in the same place at the same time. We took a deep breath, started chatting, and after a few minutes, I stopped internally freaking out about the zillion people everywhere, the lateness, and the chaos. We found our own little quiet corner of the tulip fields, and these two told me about how they fell in love.
And you know what - the tulip place totally didn't close at 6 PM like it said it did (which is good, because I think we started pictures at about 5:45). And lighting was much better due to us running late. And the crowds started to thin out after "closing time." And it ended up being such a fun evening.
Life. It has a funny way of not happening how you plan it. But when you find the right match, it has a pretty great way of working out.
Congratulations, Clarissa & Danny.
Let me just be real honest. I love getting in on awesome secrets. It's the coolest. When Zack contacted me, asking me to help make his marriage proposal to Anna perfect, I had to stop myself from screaming into the phone. Because, getting to watch someone propose is freaking awesome. Especially if you know how much thought and care he put into planning it. On that note, big shout out to Karen at Rex Hill Winery for helping with the planning too. She made sure our plan went perfectly, and was super-fun to work with! PS - She said yes!! PPS - Isn't Anna the cutest!?! I can't wait to see their wedding photos!