Meet the youngest of three boys, Daxton! I didn't get to meet this little guy until he was almost a whole month old, but he was SUCH a good little sleeper for his baby session. And his big brothers were SO sweet and gentle with him, which may have been my favorite part of the whole experience. ...These baby sessions happening right before our own baby arrives are totally getting me, making me imagine what features and traits our daughter will have from Steven and I, what it will be like to have a brand new baby around (for more than just a few hours of snuggles) - the anticipation is major. I can't wait! Hopefully, by the time this scheduled post actually posts, I'll be experiencing the reality! :)
Sawyer's 1st Birthday: Salem Toddler Photographer
Can you believe that Dad made that barn!?! It's SO awesome! Totally perfect for a little cowboy's first birthday! I can't believe how much time flies - it seems like it wasn't so long ago that I was taking Sawyer's Newborn Photos and oogling his amazing head of hair. Total bonus - big sister Sophie liked me much more this time around, making me feel WAY cool. I love that this job gives me the opportunity to meet so many sweet and wonderful people. :)