My First Vendor Booth!

This past weekend, I had my first vendor booth. It was at the Albany Bridal Show. My challenge: decorate a 10x10 space, showcase my best work, and meet future brides/potential clients. Sounds like a blast, right?  Gulp.  

Needless to say, I was just a little bit scared. I'm confident about taking photos and shooting at weddings, but the chatting/selling part always makes me nervous. Thanks to my husband and my friend, Chris, the booth setup part was taken care of.  But, then they went home, and I was left to brave the show by myself.  

For the first hour, I was a bit of a basket case. I knocked over frames in my booth. I checked my cell phone every 30 seconds.  Time stood still. And then something just clicked. I regained my grasp on the English language and managed to form entire sentences. 

I ended up meeting some awesome vendors and some really nice people. If you were one of the people who stopped and visited my booth, THANK YOU.  You truly made my day better.  Standing there, waiting for someone to stop by is ...terrifying. I heard some great wedding plans and engagement stories.  And I may even brave another bridal show someday soon.  :)